Photo Objects 2009

Ex-Drawing (Borrón y cuenta nueva),
plastic and rubber, 7x4x.5 cm, 2009

Wall's Hole, 2009

Amor volátil (Volatile love),
plastic, metal and wood, 2009

Broodnodig I (Needy I),
plastic and metal, 6.5x4x1.5 cm, 2009

Broodnodig (Needy II), 2009

Milk teeth, 2009

Milk flag, 2009

Fit in, 2009

Brush, 2009
Little Objects 2006-2008

A thousand drawings,
stone, ink and plastic, 14x21.5x3 cm, 2008

Equally different,
paper, metal and plastic, 20.5 x11 cm, 2008

Blue lips,
metal and plastic, 5x4x3 cm, 2008

I still miss the guilders,
paper, metal and plastic, 8x5.5x5.5 cm, 2008

Vies (from Language series),
paper and plastic, 7x3.5x1.5 cm, 2008

H en M, (The Hague 2008),
photo, plastic and porcelain, 16.5x8.5x5.5 cm, 2008
© Hans Hoogervorst / Marisa Polin

México Dulce (Sweet Mexico),
paper, plastic and sugar, 16x6.5x2 cm, 2006-2008
Older Sculpture
All works © Marisa Polin